The Embroidery Shop is doing well!

One of our ladies, S, received training in embroidery last year. Embroidery of sarees and other ladies’ garments is common in Nepal and is a practicable business. After S learned the skills needed, she was able to open her very own shop! Her shop has been finding business and she has continued to excel in her craft.

S has made it a personal goal over the last two months to tell someone new about her shop each day and to hand out visiting cards (business cards). As a result, she has been rewarded by increased business.

Also, S is sharing her knowledge and experience with other ladies. This month, she is host and instructor for a special course in embroidery skills. The course, funded by Nepal Leprosy Trust , is offered free of charge to disadvantaged women. For two hours each morning, 12 ladies gather at the embroidery shop to learn a skill that can give them an income and a higher sense of self-worth. S is passing her own success on to others, using her own hard-earned skills to reach out and teach other women in need of help. She is a wonderful example of self-motivation, a strong work ethic, and being a blessing to the community around her.

You can view photos of S’s shop and the current training